
Sunday, 29 December 2013

黑米麦片奶油蛋糕 Black Rice Cereal Butter Cake

2013年所剩无几!又这样过了一年! 接着又是新的一年开始,又要开始努力拼搏! 希望大家都对在过去的一年里达到自己的目标! 也祝愿大家有个愉快的2014年! 加油! Aza Aza! !

这食谱是参考Angela的食谱做得, 我把Nestem 麦片改成了有机黑米麦片口感也是好吃哦! 麦片香扑鼻

170g unsalted butter (soften) I used half butter half majerin
150g sugar
1 large egg + 1 large egg yolk
1½ vanilla extract
2 tbsp cognac (optional)
195 plain flour
1 ½ tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
180ml whole milk
30g (8 tbsp) black rice cereal + more to sprinkle on top

1) Preheat oven to 180C, grease and line a 8-ince cake pan. ( I used 7") 
2) Using a mixer on medium speed, cream (A) until fluffy for about 2 minutes.
3) Beat in (B) until well combined. Add (C).
4) Mix together (D). Sift in (D) in 3 parts, alternating with (E), beat at low speed stop once the flour mixture incorporated. Fold in (F) use spatula mix till incorporated.
6) Pour batter into prepared pan, smooth top with spatula or knife and sprinkle some black rice cereal on top.
7) Bake for 40-45 minutes or until a skewer inserted and comes out clean 我烤了近一小时可能是温度不够高!

切蛋糕时我觉得蛋糕体有点太松的说, 容易就散掉 =_= 不过还是好好吃涅!

Sunday, 8 December 2013


仔细一数自己在职场工作了这么多年来除了每个月的薪水我得到了些什么? 朋友? 好朋友? 知己!? 有很旧老同事至今都长联络的,也有成为密友的! 我对这真的很感恩! 知己难求啊!

我没有一定要跟谁做朋友, 企图巴结更不用说了! 我只是打一份工过我的日子! 做我应该做的! 我对的起自己的良心。不要把自己想得太过清高哦! 虽然你的身高是比偶高一点点啦! 呵呵! 

人啊! 我也只不过是凡人...

蛋黄 6 粒, 砂糖 25克, 植物油 20克, 底筋面粉130克, 蜂蜜 50克, 牛奶 25克
蛋白6粒, 砂糖 50克, 塔塔粉少许 或棱朦汁1小匙

Tuesday, 12 November 2013


在我们这里要买到新鲜的蔓月莓还真难过登天呐! 所以我常用的是蔓月莓干, 各大烘培点都可以买到!

周末或不上班的时候我总是在厨房耗! 停不下来的烘培精力连我自己都觉得莫名其妙! 哈! 准备了这马芬让外子明天早餐有着落!

面粉 120克
玉米粉 40克
发粉 5克 
砂糖 50克 
蜂蜜 1 茶匙 
牛奶 60克
蔓月莓 80克
玉米油 100克
我在配方里还加入了一点君度橙酒提香! 不加也无妨! 呵呵! 
做法就是一般的马芬方法! 简单快捷! 

Sunday, 10 November 2013

自制烧肉 Homemade Roast Pork

猪五花肉 1公斤
粗盐 1 汤匙(可以减少点因为今天的成品略咸 =_=)
五香粉 1 汤匙
胡椒粉 1 汤匙 (可以自行减少分量)
把猪五花洗净, 在猪皮刺满孔让后把盐涂在五花肉的皮和肉, 接着把五香粉和胡椒粉混匀涂摸在肉上(避免沾到猪皮,因为五香粉会让猪皮变黑), 腌制两个小时以上, 烤炉预热200度, 送进烤箱烤一个小时, 猪皮要向上哦! 之后我用上火只烤猪皮, 可以听见猪皮在烤箱里跳舞耶!
烤的时候要不时翻面才能烤的均匀! 每家的烤炉温度不一要自行调整哦!

妈妈说下次要加点砂糖让烧肉的味道更有层次,不至于会死咸 >< 如果咸度掌握好点就更完美了! 脆脆的皮在切烧肉的时候那清脆的声音好感动啊! 呵呵! 飞死偶了!

Butterscotch & Chocolate Chip Cookies

Butterscotch & Chocolate Chip Cookies:

2 cups (260 grams) all purpose flour

1 1/4 teaspoons baking soda

1/4 teaspoon salt

3/4 cup (170 grams) unsalted butter, room temperature

2/3 cup (70grams) granulated white sugar

2/3 cup (80grams) firmly packed light brown sugar

2 large eggs

1 1/2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract

butterscotch chip & chocolate chip each 100g

Monday, 4 November 2013


看见一包螺旋面买了很久没煮! 大伙早餐没吃饱妈说不然拿那包面煮了好医肚吧!  
简单的加了一些长豆, 肉碎, 火腿, 大葱和意粉酱拌炒后加上mozzarella cheese 送进烤箱200度烤个10-15分钟就好咯! 

Saturday, 2 November 2013


再过两个月就要过年了, 今天到烘培店又拜了一堆有的没的:) 翻开了储物柜发现还有三包马铃薯粉就做了德国酥饼!

材料分成A 和B:

材料A: 奶油 250克, 糖粉 80克

材料B: 馬鈴薯粉 250克 普通麵粉 100克


1. 把A混均,加入B,戳成圓形,用叉子压出花紋,就可以拿去烘烤了。

2. 170度,15-20分钟。

这次有一部分的面团我加了些伯爵茶叶, 看起来漂亮了也多了一股茶香哦! 

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

♧Pumky Pumpkin ♤ Is All About Halloween~~

Pumpkin Muffins:

240g pumpkin puree

2 large eggs, lightly beaten

1 cup Vitagen

120 ml canola, corn, vegetable, or sunflower oil

150g all-purpose flour

120g brown sugar

1 teaspoon baking powder

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon salt

100 g raisins or dried cranberries

Mix all the dried Ingredients together set aside then after mix the wet Ingredients together pour into dry ingredients mix quickly untill cant see the flour. (Do not over mix)
Bake in preheat oven at 180 to 200 degree for about 20mins.

Enjoy ur baking & Halloween ; p

Sunday, 27 October 2013

夏南瓜巧克力蛋糕 Zucchini Chocolate Cake~~

Zucchini Chocolate Cake~~♡♡

240 grams (2 cups) all-purpose flour-
60 grams (1/2 cup) unsweetened cocoa powder-
1 teaspoon baking soda-
1/2 teaspoon baking powder-
1/2 teaspoon fine sea salt-
180 grams (1 scant cup, packed) light brownsugar (I use 120g only)-
115 grams (1/2 cup) unsalted butter, at room temperature, or 1/2 cup virgin olive oil-
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract- 
3 large eggs-
350 grams (2 cups) unpeeled grated zucchini, from about 1 1/2 medium zucchini-
160 grams (1 cup) good-quality bittersweetchocolate chips, or chopped chocolate

Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F). Grease a 25-cm (10-inch) round springform pan or a 22-cm (8 1/2-inch) square pan.In a medium mixing bowl, whisk together the flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, baking powder, and salt. In the bowl of a mixer (or by hand in a large mixing bowl), beat the sugar and butter until fluffy. Add the vanilla and eggs, mixing well between each addition.In a large mixing bowl, combine the zucchini, chocolate chips, and about a third of the flour mixture, making sure the zucchini strands are well coated and not clumping too much.Add the rest of the flour mixture into the egg batter. Mix until just combined; the batter will be thick.Fold the zucchini mixture into the batter, and blend with a spatula without overmixing. Pour into the prepared cake pan, and level the surface.Bake for 40 to 50 minutes, until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean. Transfer onto a rack to cool for 10 minutes, run a knife around the pan to loosen, and unclasp the sides of the pan. Serve slightly warm or at room temperatur.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

巧克力马分 Double Chocolate Muffin

开心或难过时我总会想要做点什么的! 耗在厨房是我常做的事! 这天心情真不是太好, 原因有几个... 想想还是算了! 搞些其他喜欢的...

Moody Double Chocolate Muffin
低筋粉 200g
可可粉 25g
发粉 1tbs
细砂糖 100g
巧克力粒 100g
牛奶 225ml
Sunflower oil 100g
鸡蛋 2个